
No News - Feedback

Anonymous feedback for my current fraud poster designs, from two people.

What statement/ fact/ question is being communicated to you?
a. Fraud and card cloning is getting worse/ on the rise
b. Fraud costs a lot of money

Is this being communicated in a clear and focused way? Yes / No / Unsure
What could be developed further?
a. Yes - I don't like the Gill Sans 's' or c, perhaps they could be developed. The tracking on the word fraud could be developed, the 'r' and 'a' are a little to close. Perhaps try a black background.
b. Yes - Maybe the image only poster doesn't really suggest that money is wasted because of fraud

Have the posters been kept "simple and to the point?" Yes / No / Unsure
Is a statement, fact or question being posed?
a. Yes - The typography communicated this in a clear and readable way. The simplicity of the type and image is easy to understand.
b. Yes - Facts/ statements

Has the restriction of two colours plus stock been met? Yes / No
a. Yes
b. Yes

Are the two colours plus stock appropriate to the solution? Yes / No / Unsure
why are the two colours plus stock appropriate/ innappropriate?
a. Yes - The green reminds you of the digits on a cashpoint, on white it stands out.
b. Unsure - Its alright but it seems like green is always used for environmental stuff these days, but it does work well im just not sure why green.

Do the posters work as a set or seris? Yes / No / Unsure
Why do they work/ don't work as part of a set series and could this be developed furthur?
a. Yes - The colour scheme has been kept the same throughout, the grey bounding line shows they are part of a set.
b. Yes - The image only poster works well when placed next to one of the other posters but not when viewed alone.

Is it clearly evident which poster is TYPE, IMAGE and TYPE & IMAGE?
a. Yes it is clear, same type and simple design throughout.
b. Yes

Are the posters "memorable, immediate, high impact and clear?
a. Yes the use of a bold font hits you straight away, all 3 posters are engaging, visually pleasing and informative.
b. Yes they are, the fonts good, layouts good and delivers the right message. Already mentioned the only issue.

Do you feel the brief has been fulfilled to it's full potential? Yes / No / Unsure
a. Yes
b. Image poster needs more of an idea that suggests money is being wasted. Other than that they are fresh.

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