
Bread Collective

Bread collective is built up of four different creatives working in two different studios in London. They all work freelance and different jobs are distributed amongst them based on their specific skill sets. They also work on projects with their local communities.
My first visit was to see Victoria & Owen in Hackney, to speak to them about what they do and how the studio operates.
As they are both relatively young I felt it was appropriate to speak to them about what they have done since leaving university and what advice they have to offer. The main pieces of advice that they gave me was be proactive, work hard and enjoy it. They also taught me the importance of taking advantage of non design opportunities, Owen worked at a clothing shop during his degree and through speaking to the right people ended up producing t shirt designs and eventually becoming a full time designer for the brand.
The work the studio produces ranges from big and small clients and I feel it would definitely be somewhere I would be very happy working. I found it easy speaking to them both and they said they would be very happy for me to come and get involved in a few projects before the end of summer and when I finish my degree.

A few samples of their work ~ Source

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